AlxYD’s 2024 elections are fast approaching! Pursuant to the Constitution and ByLaws, the Executive Committee has called for a convention of AlxYD members for Thursday, January 11th at 7:00pm at the ADC office to hold our annual elections. The ADC office is located at 618 N Washington St.
The following individuals have filed to run for an office on the Executive Committee prior to the 5pm deadline on Tuesday, Jan. 2nd:
The candidate statements from those who have filed to run can be found at the link here.
The report of the Convention Rules Committee, appointed to draft rules for the convention, can be found at the link here. The report of the rules allows for any Members in Good Standing who will be unable to attend the convention to request an absentee ballot no later than 7pm on the night of the convention. To request an absentee ballot, please go to the link here and fill out the form.
We plan to offer food and beverages to convention attendees, so please be sure to RSVP below so we know how many attendees to plan for! If you have any dietary restrictions, please let us know by emailing