We, the Alexandria Young Democrats, in order to further the ideals and principles of the Democratic Party, to promote the election of the party’s candidates for public office at all levels, to encourage the involvement of young people in civic and political affairs, and to promote harmony and fellowship with one another, establish this Constitution of the Alexandria Young Democrats.
Article I. Name, Affiliation, Statement of Purpose, Organization
Section 1: Name and Definitions
The name of this organization shall be the “Alexandria Young Democrats” (hereafter referred to as “AlxYD”) and shall be a chapter of the Virginia Young Democrats (hereafter referred to as “VAYD”) serving the city of Alexandria, Virginia (hereafter referred to as “Alexandria”).
Section 2: Affiliations
AlxYD shall not act in any manner inconsistent with this Constitution; AlxYD shall be affiliated with and should act with consideration of and in a manner consistent with the Virginia Young Democrats, the Young Democrats of America (also referred to as “YDA”), the Alexandria Democratic Committee (hereafter referred to as “ADC”), the Virginia State Democratic Party (also referred to as “DPVA”), and the National Democratic Party (also referred to as “DNC”).
Section 3: Statement of Purpose
AlxYD shall serve Alexandria by:
I. Connecting Democrats under the age of 36 to come together in community;
II. Fostering civic knowledge and engagement among young people in Alexandria;
III. Cultivating leadership skills to prepare young people for public service;
IV. Promoting the ideals and principles of the Democratic Party;
V. Raising awareness of and participation in the Democratic Party;
VI.Increasing the role, opportunities, and power of underrepresented people in our Party, government, and society;
VII. Supporting Democratic candidates for public office, particularly those who are young and those who share the values, beliefs, and priorities of AlxYD;
VIII. Advocating for and support the advancement of legislation and ballot initiatives which align with the core values of AlxYD;
IX. Stimulating dialogue on important issues facing Alexandria, Virginia, and the nation;
X. Operating in a manner that encourages inclusion, equity, justice for all humans.
Section 4: Organizational Structure
AlxYD shall consist of an Executive Committee, appointed committees, and members generally.
Article II. Membership
Section 1: Eligibility
All persons who are at least age 13 and no older than age 35 shall be eligible to be members of AlxYD if they:
I. Primarily reside in Alexandria;
II. Identify as a member of the Democratic Party;
III. Maintain the principles and ideology of the Democratic Party as adopted at the last convention and support candidates of the same kind;
Section 2: Conferral of Membership
No person will be considered a member of AlxYD until a membership form, as approved by the Executive Committee, has been completed and their membership approved by the Executive Committee. The membership renewal process will occur as established in the Bylaw of AlxYD.
Section 3: Members in Good Standing
Members in Good Standing shall be those members who have had their membership conferred and who have satisfied attendance, dues, or other requirements as may be prescribed in the Bylaws.
Section 4: Protections
No person will be denied membership on the basis of race, creed, gender, religion, economic status, disability, national origin, sexual orientation, or sexual identity. Members who temporarily leave Alexandria for military service, education, medicial leave, or political activity—and those who do so for other endeavors of limited duration not to exceed four months— may choose to remain members of AlxYD, so long as they continue to be registered in the Democratic Party, where possible.
Section 5: VAYD Delegate Selection
Delegate selection and membership reporting for the Virginia Young Democrats shall be in alignment with Virginia Young Democrats age requirements.
Section 6: Termination of Membership/Ineligibility
Any member who expresses support for the opponent of the Democratic nominee—unless that show of support is based on a deeply held belief—shall be automatically removed and the Membership Director shall be required to enforce this provision on their own initiative.
Section 7: Honorary Membership
Any person who has reached the age of 36 may be elected to honorary membership in this organization upon nomination by any three Members in Good Standing and a majority vote of the Executive Committee. Prior to nomination and election to honorary membership, candidates shall have demonstrated a commitment to the highest ideals of the Democratic Party and shall have performed extraordinary service to AlxYD. Honorary members shall be accorded full, non-voting, floor privileges at any meeting of AlxYD but shall not be counted towards a quorum and shall not be an officer in any role or capacity.
Article III. Officers
Section 1: Eligibility
Any person serving on the Executive Committee of AlxYD must fulfill the qualifications of a Member in Good Standing. Only Members in Good Standing at the time of the election shall be eligible to run for a position on the Executive Committee or vote for the officers of this organization. To assume the power and duties of an office any person shall be elected to, they shall make an affirmation to support the organization and exhibit good behavior and such affirmation shall be prescribed by the Executive Committee in their standing rules.
Section 2: Executive Committee
The officers of AlxYD shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Membership Director. These officers shall perform the duties prescribed by this Constitution and the Bylaws adopted by AlxYD. The collective of officers is known as the Executive Committee. No person may hold more than one of these offices at a time. The Executive Committee shall have full power and authority to act for AlxYD, subject to the provisions of this Constitution.
Section 3: Elections
I. Officers shall be elected annually by a membership convention at a determined time each year, but not more than 30 days after the annual VAYD membership convention. Each person elected at such convention shall be deemed a member-elect upon the adjournment of the convention and transmission of a certificate of election to the Executive Committee signed by the Convention Chair and Clerk and who thereafter having taken an oath or affirmation as prescribed by the Standing Rules of the Executive Committee shall assume the powers and duties of the office to which they were elected.
II. Officer elections shall be conducted annually by a secret ballot using ranked-choice instant runoff voting (IRV) and each officer shall be elected by a majority of the vote of AlxYD Members in Good Standing, present and voting, and by those voting by absentee ballot. The President, in consultation with the Executive Board, shall make necessary arrangements for AlxYD Members in Good Standing to vote in any election by absentee ballot. Such arrangements shall include, but is not limited to, timely sharing information with AlxYD Members in Good Standing about how they may cast an absentee ballot.
III. The rules of the convention shall prescribe a manner for the production and recording of certificates of election for each office.
Section 4: Duties and Responsibilities
The Executive Committee shall meet monthly to discuss any business of AlxYD. All officers shall participate in AlxYD, VAYD, and ADC events as they are able. The Executive Committee may also choose a certain number of members to form committees as needed to carry out the business of AlxYD, but no committee shall be given plenary power, except as it may relate to investigations or to the enforcement of compliance with the charter or orders of the Executive Committee which enforcement the Executive Committee may delegate.
I. The President shall:
a. Preside over meetings of the Executive Committee and of the general membership and shall lead events sponsored by AlxYD;
b. Set the time, place, and agenda for such meetings, except where limited by this Constitution, the ByLaws, or the Standing Rules of the Executive Committee;
c. Act as the official spokesperson for AlxYD;
d. Vote in the common interest of AlxYD as a member of ADC’s Executive Committee;
e. Establish and terminate select committees as needed and appoint the Chair to such committees
f. Serve as AlxYD’s representative, or appoint a proxy, to all VAYD or other partner organizations as necessary;
g. Oversee the general managerial tasks of the organization;
h. Provide, in consultation with the Executive Committee, an annual agenda for the organization to be announced no more than 30 days after the annual elections;
i. Enforce compliance with this Constitution and the Bylaws and all other relevant governing powers for this organization;
j. Exercise such other powers as may be assigned to the office of President by other provisions of this Constitution and under the Bylaws.
I. The Vice President shall:
a. Assist and support the Chair in all tasks and preside over the organization in the absence of the President with inherited powers of the position;
b. Assume the office of the President in the event of a vacancy of the office;
c. Oversee the schedule and the presentations of meetings of the general membership and programs outside of regular general membership meetings;
d. Oversees all committees created and sustained by the membership of AlxYD;
e. Set and coordinate a special election for the Vice President to fill a vacancy of the office in the event of the President’s vacancy and thus the Vice President becoming the President, which must occur no fewer than 30 days following the Vice President’s assumption of the office of President.
f. Exercise such other powers and duties as may be assigned to the office of Vice President by other provisions of the Constitution, under the Bylaws, and delegated by the President.
III. The Secretary shall:
a. Compose and maintain record of all meetings of the Executive Committee and of the general membership;
b. Contact, or assist the Executive Committee in contacting, AlxYD members concerning upcoming meetings, conventions, and other events;
c. Maintain a copy of this Constitution, the Bylaws, and the Standing Rules of the Executive Committee, of all resolutions of the Board, all reports of committees received, the results of all record votes taken, and the certificates of election and appointment of all members and furnish all of the forgoing to a standing committee with relevant jurisdiction for their joint record keeping.
d. Exercise such other powers and duties as may be assigned to the office of Secretary by other provisions of the Constitution, under the Bylaws, and delegated by the President.
IV. The Treasurer shall:
a. Maintain in good order all AlxYD financial records, including tracking all receipts and disbursements;
b. Plan and execute disbursements and expenditures within but independent of ADC bookkeeping;
c. Ensure AlxYD is in compliance with all state and federal finance laws and guidelines;
d. Prepare and submit financial and other filing reports as may required from time to time;
e. Make financial records ready for and open to inspection by any member of AXYD within a reasonable time;
f. Establish a budget for approval by Members in Good Standing during the first general meeting succeeding the annual election;
g. Manage the finances to be in compliance with the approved budget throughout the term and report on the monthly status of the budget;
h. Exercise such other powers and duties as may be assigned to the office of the Treasurer by other provisions of the Constitution, under the Bylaws, and delegated by the President.
V. The Membership Director shall
a. Maintain a clear and accurate record of the membership and attendance at events;
b. Plan and oversee recruitment efforts and membership drives;
c. Develop relationships with other recognized Democratic organizations to bolster visibility within the community;
d. Organize and manage a digital outreach strategy;
e. Exercise such other powers and duties as may be assigned to the office of Membership Director by other provisions of the Constitution, under the Bylaws, and delegated by the President.
Section 5: Vacancy
I. In the event of a vacancy or the inability to carry out the duties of the office of President, an inability which shall be determined upon the unanimous declaration of the whole remainder of the Executive Committee, the Vice President shall assume the office of the President.
II. In the event of a vacancy or temporary absence in, or inability to carry out the duties as determined by a majority of the whole remainder of the Executive Committee, of the office of Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, or Membership Director, the Executive Committee may elect a replacement, provided that, other than in an emergency, the position has been vacant for at least 30 days. The President may make an interim appointment to fill a vacancy between meetings of the Executive Committee.
III. In the event that both the President and Vice President are concurrently vacant a special election to fill such vacancies shall be called by a majority of the officers serving to fill the offices of President and Vice President, which shall occur in no fewer than 7 day but no more than 14 days following the notice to the membership of such vacancy.
IV. At any time following the declaration of a vacancy, the Executive Committee may vote to delegate the powers and duties of the office vacant to any other member of the Executive Committee who shall be nominated by the President.
Section 6: Executive Committee Absence Policy
A member of the Executive Committee should not miss more than 3 scheduled Executive Committee meetings after taking office. If a member misses a 4th meeting, a vote may be called by any current member of the Executive Committee to verify the accuracy of the absences, which with the concurrence of 2/3rds of the members of the Executive Committee shall remove the member from office.
Article IV. Meetings
Section 1: General Membership Meetings
I. Regular meetings of AlxYD will be held monthly unless otherwise ordered by a majority vote of the Executive Committee and shall take place on no fewer than 7 days notice upon the call of the President. Regular meetings shall be held for the purposes of reviewing reports of officers to the membership, to discuss the business of AlxYD, to organize participation for upcoming events and initiatives, and any other such business as the President may determine.
II. Special meetings of AlxYD may be called by the President, a majority of the Executive Committee, or upon written request to the President and Secretary by no fewer than 10 Members in Good Standing. A special meeting of the general membership shall take place on no fewer than 5 days notice and the call for the meeting shall state the purpose of the meeting.
III. Emergency meetings of AlxYD may be called by the President and a majority of the Executive Committee or by no fewer than 15 Members in Good Standing. An emergency meeting of the general membership shall take place on no fewer than 24 hours notice and the call for the meeting shall state the purpose of the meeting.
IV. In the event of an emergency, a regular, special, or emergency meeting of the general membership may be canceled, postponed, or adjourned by the President with the approval of at least two other officers of the Executive Committee, provided that the rationale for the exigent circumstance is reported to the membership.
Section 2: Membership Conventions
Membership conventions may be called by the President on no fewer than 14 days notice before the time of convening, unless such a convention shall be ordered by the Executive Committee with a set agenda, in which case 7 days notice shall be sufficient. Membership conventions shall be the time at which constitutional amendments, elections, and dues may be voted upon as well as any other business that may properly come before AlxYD. Ten percent or no fewer than 10 AlxYD Members in Good Standing, whichever is lesser, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of conducting business at a convention.
Such anticipated action shall be included in the notice for the meeting. All of the foregoing actions, excepting constitutional amendments, shall require a simple majority of Members in Good Standing present and voting for passage. The Executive Committee may, prior to the meeting, invite candidates, public officials, or other relevant guests to address the membership as part of the meeting agenda, and should such a convention have been called by the Chair their invitation shall be sufficient should no resolution of disapproval of the Executive Committee intercede the call to convention and the convention itself.
The Executive Committee shall appoint, in advance of each convention, five persons, including a chair, to serve as a Convention Rules Committee, to submit rules for the approval of the convention at the commencement of the session—and at least 2 members of this Committee shall be members of the Executive Committee and at least 2 members shall not be such members. These rules once adopted by the convention shall continue in force and effect until a subsequent Convention Rules Committee amendment is adopted by the Convention. In the absence of such an appointment, the first order of business at any convention shall be to select members for such a committee.
Section 3: Executive Committee Meetings
The Executive Committee shall meet on a monthly basis or at the call of the President or of any three members of the Executive Committee. Notice of a meeting of the Executive Committee shall be given to each member of the Executive Committee. Quorum for the Executive Committee shall be a majority of officers duly sworn and chosen. If notice of at least 3 days of holding a meeting has been given, no quorum attendance roll call shall be required for the purpose of holding the meeting and performing the active functions and duties of AlxYD. The Executive Committee may prescribe alternate methods for calling a meeting on less than 3 days notice. The Executive Committee shall operate within the provisions of its Standing Rules and no action taken in contravention of them shall be valid under this Constitution.
Article V. Committees and Appointed Officers
Section 1: Committee Authorization
The President may establish select committees, which and whose membership may be terminated at the President’s discretion, as may be necessary. The Executive Committee may, by parliamentary motion at any time, dissolve a select committee or dismiss any members of a select committee. The President and Vice President shall be ex officio members of all AlxYD committees and shall not count towards their maximum membership.
All committees shall develop policy and recommend or non-passage to the Executive Committee. Each committee, standing or special, shall submit to the Vice President and Secretary all reports, policy recommendations, minutes of meetings, and any other information from such committees. The Vice President, or in their absence the Chair of the committee in question, shall present recommended policy to the Executive Committee, which will consider the policy and adopt or reject such policy or recommend passage or non-passage to the general membership as required by this Constitution or in the Bylaws.
Section 2: Appointed Officers
The President may appoint such other officers as they deem proper, provided the Executive Committee approves a proposal which includes the responsibilities for said office and designates the officer to whom they would report. The Executive Committee may remove an appointed officer by parliamentary motion at any time.
Article VI. Appropriations
Section 1: Authorization of Funds
Any appropriation made from funds under the control of AlxYD shall not be drawn from the treasury except as authorized by the Executive Committee acting in accordance with this section, except as provided under Section 3.
Section 2: Regulatory Compliance
The Chair and Treasurer shall be bound by the provisions of this article and shall enforce this provision at all times except where it would fall into conflict with state or federal law.
Section 3: Presidential Authorization of Minor Expenditures
The President may authorize an expenditure not exceeding $100, at a frequency no more than twice quarterly.
Article VII. Endorsements
Section 1: Authorization of General Election Endorsements
In a general election AlxYD shall be empowered to support and endorse only those candidates for public office who have been nominated or endorsed by the Democratic Party.
Section 2: Restriction on Primary Elections
AlxYD shall not endorse candidates in any contest in which candidates are seeking the nomination or endorsement of the Democratic Party, and shall maintain its neutrality until after such contests are settled. AlxYD shall provide an equitable forum, in a manner determined by the Executive Committee, for all candidates seeking the nomination or endorsement of the Democratic Party to solicit its members’ support. However, nothing in this article shall be interpreted to preclude individual members of AlxYD from endorsing candidates seeking the nomination or endorsement of the Democratic Party in their individual capacity, provided that no Officer of AlxYD shall cause their affiliation or title with AlxYD to be used in connection with such an endorsement.
Section 3: Party Platform Endorsements
AlxYD shall actively support the platform of the Democratic Party at all levels. However, nothing in this Constitution shall be interpreted to preclude AlxYD or its members from advocating for amendments to the Democratic Party platform at any level, or from taking a position on any issue affecting the Democratic Party.
Section 4: Respecting and Respectful Disagreement
AlxYD members are expected to treat dissenting opinions with respect. AlxYD will not compel individuals disagreeing on endorsements to show support for any endorsement made by the organization. AlxYD will not prevent any individual from expressing their personal view on their personal social media, so long as they follow the parameters outlined below. Failure to adhere to the following parameters may result in removal of the disagreeing individuals from office or from membership in certain circumstances:
I. The disagreeing individual cannot prevent AlxYD from supporting the endorsement;
II. The disagreeing individual cannot post their dissent on AlxYD-managed social media.
III. The disagreeing individual cannot represent AlxYD or make mention of AlxYD while expressing opposition to the endorsement.
Article VIII. Parliamentary Authorities
Section 1: Parliamentary Authority Adopted
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern AlxYD in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this Constitution, the Constitution of the Virginia Young Democrats, any applicable rule, or the Democratic Party Plan of the Commonwealth of Virginia.
Section 2: Interpretation of Ambiguity
Whenever upon a disagreement as to the meaning or effect of this Constitution, the Executive Committee shall sit as a Commission on the Constitution and shall have full power and authority to make any interpretation between reasonable variations of opinion of the interpretation.
Article IX. Grievance and Disciplinary Proceedings
Section 1: Authorization
The Executive Committee, or a ⅔ majority of Members in Good Standing present and voting, shall be authorized to revoke the membership of any member or officer of AlxYD as necessary if, by following the due process of this article, it is determined that the continued membership of that member or officer is a detriment to this organization.
Section 2: Disciplinary Process
I. When any two members of AlxYD bring good reason, including but not limited to failure to perform duties, affiliation with another political party, acting against the Democratic Party or the government, or behavior unbecoming, with proof to the Executive Committee, the Executive Committee shall initiate hearing proceedings no fewer than 2 days following receipt of the petition. The Executive Committee shall determine what action, if any, is appropriate. Any action taken by the Executive Committee, including deciding that no action is needed, requires a simple majority of voting members of the Executive Committee.
II. The individuals who submit a petition shall be promptly notified of the action or inaction taken by the Executive Committee no more than 2 days following the decision.
III. If the Executive Committee determines that the charges, if true, would warrant suspension or removal, then the President — or highest-ranking member of the Executive Committee not the subject of the petition — may establish and oversee a five-person tribunal to hear the case. The tribunal shall consist of the 3 highest-ranking members of the Executive Committee who are not the subject of the petition and 2 Members in Good Standing of AlxYD to be agreed upon by the parties to the case. If there is no agreement among the parties, then any remaining tribunal position(s) shall be chosen by voting members of the Executive Committee who are not on the tribunal and who are not the subject of the petition.
IV. The tribunal shall oversee a short trial lasting no more than 3 hours and with at least 2 days notice to the parties. During the trial, the parties are permitted to make an opening statement, present witnesses and evidence, question one another, and make a closing statement, subject to an order of and agenda approved by the tribunal.
V. Following the trial, the tribunal shall decide by a majority vote whether the accused is guilty or not guilty. If the tribunal finds the accused guilty, it shall present its findings and a recommendation as to what disciplinary action is appropriate to the Executive Committee. Should the accused refuse to appear at the tribunal, the tribunal will discuss the case in their absence and make a determination.
VI. Following a trial, the Executive Committee may, by a unanimous vote, expel the member or relieve the officer of their duties, or may by a majority vote forward consideration of the matter to the membership which may, by a 2/3rds vote of Members in Good Standing, expel the member and/or relieve the officer of their duties.
Section 3: Recusal
Members tasked with addressing a grievance or overseeing a disciplinary proceeding shall determine whether they can do so fairly and impartially. Such members may recuse themselves for any reason, or no reason at all, but shall recuse themselves when it is necessary to avoid any actual or perceived conflict of interest. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for enforcing any recusals of the tribunal, including the removal of a member, should the need arise.
Should any member of the Executive Committee be the subject of this disciplinary process, they shall automatically be recused from consideration of the matter and of their duties as an officer until such time as the process is resolved either in the officer’s dismissal or retention.
Article X. Amendment of the Constitution
Section 1: Methods of Amendments
This Constitution, and any subsequent amendments hereto may be proposed, debated, and acted upon at a membership convention called for that purpose or via an electronic ballot of the Members in Good Standing, provided that the text of the amendment has been distributed in writing to all Members in Good Standing at least 14 days prior to consideration and that a quorum of at least a majority of Members in Good Standing cast a ballot in said ballot. Such amendment shall specify which portion of this Constitution these bylaws it is amending or whether it is completely new in subject matter. No amendment in the nature of a substitute shall affect more than one article of this Constitution. A quorum for this purpose shall consist of a majority of the whole number of Members in Good Standing. An affirmative vote of 2/3 of the Members in Good Standing present and voting shall be required both for original ratification and to amend this Constitution which shall enter into effect immediately upon their ratification. Each time the Constitution is amended, a copy of the revised document as ratified shall be transmitted to the Membership Director and Secretary of VAYD.
From time to time the Executive Committee may make subsequent amendments to this Constitution if it approves a motion to proceed to the precise text of the amendment followed by a unanimous record vote approving the amendment at least 14 days after, and provided that no petition of disapproval shall have been submitted to the Executive Committee signed by 25% of Members in Good Standing, as verified by the Secretary. No amendment made under this section shall affect the amendment process itself.
Section 2: Interpretation of the Constitution
In the case where any two or more provisions of this Constitution shall contradict the more specific provision shall prevail. The Executive Committee, upon the request of any member of that body, or by the request of any five members of the organization generally, shall sit as a Commission on the Constitution with sole power to make any interpretation of this Constitution necessary for the continuation of AlxYD.
Section 3: Amendments to this Article
An amendment to this article may be made only with the concurrence of at least 3/4th of the whole number of Members in Good Standing during a convention.
This article contains an exhaustive recitation of the exclusive valid methods of amendment to this Constitution.
Article XI. Bylaws
Bylaws further governing AlxYD shall be passed as necessary. Bylaws may be added, deleted or amended by a majority vote of Members in Good Standing present and voting at a membership convention or via an electronic ballot of the Members in Good Standing, provided that the text of the amendment has been distributed in writing to all Members in Good Standing at least 14 days prior to consideration and that a quorum of at least a majority of Members in Good Standing cast a ballot.
From time to time the Executive Committee may make subsequent amendments to the Bylaws if it approves a motion to proceed to the precise text of the amendment followed by a ⅔ record vote approving the amendment at least 7 days after, and provided that no petition of disapproval shall have been submitted to the Executive Committee signed by 25% of Members in Good Standing, as verified by the Secretary. No amendment made under this section shall affect Membership in Good Standing or the amendment process itself.