Bylaws further governing the Alexandria Young Democrats (hereafter referred to as “AlxYD”) shall be passed as necessary. Any conflict arising between the Constitution of AlxYD and the Bylaws shall be resolved in favor of the Constitution, voiding the conflicting text of the Bylaws.
Section 1: Annual Elections
Elections of the Executive Committee shall be held annually during the month of January.
Section 2: Standing Committees
I. The Resolutions Committee
a. The Resolutions Committee shall be chaired ex officio by the Secretary of AlxYD. Membership of the committee in addition to the Chair shall be limited to at most 6 Members in Good Standing appointed by the President in consultation with the Secretary.
b. The Resolutions Committee shall record and may consider any resolution put forth by a member of AlxYD. If the Resolutions Committee favorably reports a resolution, it shall be forwarded to the Executive Committee for consideration. If the Executive Committee recommends a resolution, it shall be forwarded to the Members in Good Standing for consideration. Ten percent or no fewer than 10 AlxYD Members in Good Standing, whichever is lesser, shall constitute a quorum for the purpose of considering a resolution. A majority of those Members in Good Standing present and voting shall be sufficient for approving and adopting a resolution.
c. Unless meeting in closed session, all meetings of the Resolution Committee shall be open to any member of AlxYD and their meeting times published for the membership’s awareness. Members in Good Standing may be granted the privilege of the floor at a committee meeting, except to make or vote on any motions.
II. The Finance and Budget Committee
a. The Finance and Budget Committee shall be chaired ex officio by the Treasurer. Membership of the committee in addition to the Chair shall be limited to at most 6 Members in Good Standing appointed by the President in consultation with the Treasurer.
b. The Finance and Budget Committee shall assist the Treasurer in producing the annual budget. The Finance and Budget Committee shall plan fundraising activities and initiatives and shall report such to the Executive Committee for approval. The Finance and Budget Committee shall provide quarterly updates on the state of the budget for the membership’s awareness.
c. Unless meeting in closed session, all meetings of the Finance and Budget Committee shall be open to any member of AlxYD and their meeting times published for the membership’s awareness. Members in Good Standing may be granted the privilege of the floor at a committee meeting, except to make or vote on any motions.
III. The Outreach Committee
a. The Outreach Committee shall be chaired ex officio by the Membership Director of AlxYD. Membership of the committee in addition to the Chair shall be limited to at most 6 Members in Good Standing appointed by the President in consultation with the Membership Director.
b. The Outreach Committee shall assist the Membership Director in producing and monitoring the success of AlxYD’s membership recruitment plan, which shall place an emphasis on the recruitment and involvement of underrepresented people, as well as a programming schedule for AlxYD events. The Outreach Committee shall provide quarterly updates on the state of the recruitment plan for the membership’s awareness.
c. Unless meeting in closed session, all meetings of the Outreach Committee shall be open to any member of AlxYD and their meeting times published for the membership’s awareness. Members in Good Standing may be granted the privilege of the floor at a committee meeting, except to make or vote on any motions.
Section 3: Dues
I. The annual membership dues of AlxYD shall be assessed as part of the annual budget, and payable at least 14 days following the approval of the budget, and their receipt conditional on Membership in Good Standing, but may not prohibit membership of or participation in AlxYD.
II. The Executive Committee shall promulgate a hardship exemption process and handle consideration of waivers under this section; the Executive Committee may authorize an augmentation of the dues amount provided that it not exceed more than 50% or $10 of the amount so authorized, whichever is a greater limitation.
Section 4: Requirements for Membership in Good Standing
Membership in Good Standing shall be contingent on a member:
I. Satisfying the eligibility requirements for membership by primarily residing in Alexandria;
II. Attending no fewer than 2 events sponsored by either AlxYD or VAYD in the term of the current Executive Committee or the immediately preceding Executive Committee or attending no fewer than 1 event sponsored by AlxYD or VAYD and 1 meeting of ADC;
III. Fulfilling any dues requirements set forth by the budget and/or augmented by the Executive Committee.
Section 5: Renewal of Membership and Membership in Good Standing
I. Membership in AlxYD shall continue without need for further authorization so long as a member continues uninterrupted to meet the eligibility requirements to be a member and does not have their membership revoked.
II. Membership in Good Standing shall continue without need for further authorization so long as a member:
a. Continues uninterrupted to meet the eligibility requirements to be a Member in Good Standing;
b. Fulfills any dues requirements within the grace period provided for by the Executive Committee.
Section 6: Notice
Whenever required by the Constitution or Bylaws or Standing Rules of the Executive Committee, and unless otherwise ordered may be provided by postal mail, facsimile transmission or electronic mail sent to the appropriate address or number submitted via the membership form.